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Hannah Miles

Hello my name is Hannah Miles and I am the proud muma of two inspiring boys. In my journey to give my boys the best chance to thrive and move beyond their labels and diagnosis. I have qualified as a Natural Hygienist, Nutritionist Specialising in Cellular Detoxification for ASD families and sensitive children, Theta Healer, Soul focused Psychotherapy, Numerology, Mindfulness and Mediation, doTERRA Aromatherapy and now I am proud to say Childosophy™ to.


Childosophy™ treatments are a great tool to my family and Maxine has been a wonderful mentor to me over the years helping myself and my boys to thrive.


My dream is to empower families to see they have the ability to heal themselves and that anything is possible.  The Childosophy™ system allows me to help families achieve this. I love how very quickly we can get to the route cause of issues and symptoms and clear them from the body and your life. Through the charts and cards it can be brought in to every home and school.


I would love to help your family find your highest selves and thrive like my family has. I believe and have seen countless times that to heal the child you must heal and empower the mother first. This is where Childosophy™ is a great system and life tool. While giving you a philosophy to guide your family.


Contact me for a treatment in the Byron Shire or to work together Via Skype.


Blessings in your journey to health and healing.


Contact Hannah

Phone: 0414967763



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