Karen Downing
I am a mother to 2 wonderful adult children and 5 beautiful grandchildren.
Both of my kids had a challenging time at school as neither fit the mould of the ideal student. Through their challenges they became my greatest teachers.
At times I struggled to understand who they really were and in turn who I was, particularly when triggered by their anger, frustration and sadness of their experiences. We tried lots of different therapeutic approaches but none addressed my children as whole beings, and emotional wellbeing was rarely considered within these approaches until much later when specialist counselling was required.
This is why I love the Childosophy™ system of healing because we now have a tool to help children and parents understand each other. We now have a tool to understand the emotional needs of children and help them heal.
My motivation to train as a Childosophy™ practitioner was my desire to provide the support to my granddaughters that the Childosophy™ system delivers. I also desire to share this wonderful modality with my wider community as adults and children alike can benefit from the Childosophy™ system for wellbeing.
I have a Diploma in Holistic Counselling and am a qualified Reiki practitioner having attained levels 1 & 2.
I live in Brisbane and am available for consultations within the Redlands and also via Skype.
Contact Karen Downing
Phone: 0407627996
Email: karenadowning@hotmail.com