Mark Hignett
I happily live in Torquay with my wife and 2 little girls. I was first introduced to Childosophy™ after being recommended by a friend when I was dealing with some of my own struggles. My wife and I also engaged in Childosophy™ when our youngest daughter was identified as ‘failing to thrive’ and needed answers that doctors could not provide us.
Through these experiences I was amazed at the practice and the results. I made it my mission to share it far and wide by becoming a Childosophy™ Practitioner. I am passionate about helping people identify blocks that present themselves in different ways. By providing them with this method they are empowered to breakthrough and heal.
I have been involved in Professional Athletics for over 30 years and soon recognised the power of Childosophy™ can change your mindset and transfer to all aspects of your life.
Recently I have found great success working with athletes in identifying and overcoming blocks that have hindered their ability to perform at their best.
Contact me for a treatment in person or via Zoom.
Contact Mark
Phone: 0420372389